How can I participate?

Welcome! seeks to make resources and information around responsible lighting accessible to all.

Stay tuned for new opportunities to engage in 2025! Our growing team is working toward 501C3 status, which will help us direct needed resources to support light justice advocates in both national and local efforts. We are also excited for a new website, currently under development, which will expand this platform to create more opportunities for connection, discussion, and action.

In the meantime, we invite you to explore the resources offered here, and follow links to talks, articles, and symposium recordings. We encourage lighting professionals to contribute information, ideas, case studies, and perspective in the form of short essays, which we look forward to sharing with the Light Justice community. 

Please reach out with questions and suggestions at [email protected]. You can now also donate to support light justice advocacy and engagement efforts!

Stay Informed!

Interested in joining the conversation? Let us know where to send a quarterly update sharing new resources, upcoming workshops, and opportunities to connect with the Light Justice community. 

We welcome you to engage with the growing Light Justice community on social media. Find us on LinkedIn and Instagram via the links below!